Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is one of the most preferred server-side programming languages. Because it is an open-source, extensible and platform-independent programming language, it is easy to use and easy to understand and learn. Because PHP is open-source, developers don’t have to wait until the next update is released. You must always be updated with the changing PHP trends. Maintenance and web development costs are very affordable.
Why choose PHP and the latest trends in PHP
PHP programming language helps you develop web applications that are complex, reliable and faster. Based on your business requirements, hosting plans, level of experience, app needs and development times, you can choose from a large number of PHP frameworks. But since we are approaching the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, it is important to have a good understanding of what our company actually needs based on the latest PHP trends.
Trending PHP Frameworks
After a brief investigation and discussions with our PHP experts, we have discovered that there is a certain pattern that is followed by developers when choosing PHP frameworks and therefore some of them are trending, others not. So with the ease of development and a large number of benefits that it offers, we’ve compiled a list of PHP frameworks that are now popular and would go-ahead to set aside records in 2020:
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1. Laravel
Because it is very popular and is the first preference of developers, this gives us a reason to place Laravel first in this list. This all-inclusive framework helps to accelerate app development by integrating it with the model view controller (MVC) architecture. It has a wide community of developers, which means that you can always find help when you get stuck somewhere during the app’s development process. Some of Laravel’s highlights or functions that make him so attractive are the ORM, RESTful controllers, the lightweight Blade template engine, unit testing, and extensive packaging systems.
2. Phalcon
Phalcon has been around since 2012 and is one of the other popular PHP frameworks and very popular in 2019, and is considered one of the preferred choices of developers in the coming years
Again, another MVC-based PHP framework, Phalcon has a C-extension structure, which means that it works at an enormous speed. Compared to other frameworks, Phalcon uses only a few resources, which helps with the quick and fast processing of HTTP requests, allowing developers to integrate with systems with fewer functionalities and functions. The unique functions of Falcon include ORM, caching, components for automatic loading and MVC architecture

3. Codeigniter
One of the most preferred frameworks, used for faster app development. This lightweight frame is easy to use and comes with a small footprint that can be uploaded directly to your hosting without any problems. You do not have to enter any special command-line arguments or commands during installation and no specific software installation is recommended. You just have to upload the files and you’re done.
4. Symfony
Symfony is one of the other very popular PHP frameworks that has been in trend for a while and will continue to be for years to come. Some of the highlights include extensive and comprehensive documentation, high performance, reliability, stability, and modular project model.
Some of the popular and large organizations, such as the BBC, have been using Symfony because of the stable and consistent nature it possesses. And open-source projects like Drupal and eZ publish are also using Symfony. The support of the community is huge and incredible. It offers excellent performance. Thanks to its wide range of features, which allows you to develop both REST API and other web applications
5. CakePHP
If you are a beginner, this would be the ideal place to start. This helps in the rapid and fast development of commercial web applications. Since it offers code and scaffolding generation capabilities, all applications developed with CakePHP can be developed faster and these applications are highly scalable and reliable. It offers MVC conventions that will help you with ease in the development process. All common functionalities are managed and handled by the numerous packages that come with it.
6. Zend Framework
This is one of the best frameworks that is widely used to develop enterprise-level applications and, at the same time, guarantees that it exhibits highly reliable performance. All factors, such as performance, security, and extensibility, are solved with the Zend framework, which is why it is one of the latest PHP trends. It is the best option for mainly business applications, thanks to the numerous components that support authentication along with tools for form validation services, feeds, etc.
Although it is widely used to develop enterprise-level applications, it may not be the most suitable for the rapid application development process. It offers the Zend Studio IDE, which helps facilitate the work of a developer
7. Fuel PHP
This is one of the most modern and trendiest PHP frameworks. It is a modular, extensible and MVC PHP framework that brings the HMVC architecture to the larger image. ORM support is highly powerful and lightweight with a satisfactory authentication framework, security enhancement, and template analysis. It has strong community support and is always in development. It is totally object-oriented.
8. Slim
Inspired by Sinatra de Ruby, Slim is another minimal micro-frame. It comes with a series of integrated standards, add-on capabilities, which include HTTP caching and URL handling and routing. You can use it to create RESTful API and other applications. It is well documented.
9. Phpixie
One of the new frames, Phpixie is modular and lightweight. It can be compiled faster and is easy to learn and understand. It comes with a series of cryptography, security and support tools for MongoDB, abd allows sharing code with the composer.
10. Fat-free
Just as the name suggests, Fat-free is free of fats. This is one of the most trending and popular PHP micro frameworks that comes with a series of packages. It comes with features such as data validation, CSS compression, unit tests, image processing, Open ID and others. It is compatible with SQL and NoSQL databases and supports the development of web applications with ease.
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